Technological advances have sprung forth the age of ultra convenience. Follow Denise: InstagramEmail the show: rod@lppod.comMore podcasts: Talking Is Hard
Monthly Archives: September 2022
074: WTF is Self Care?
“[Our] dark shit is the purest, [we] hear self care cures it.” -OME Follow Denise: InstagramEmail the show: rod@lppod.comMore podcasts: Talking Is Hard
Public Service Announcement
Unfortunately, this week’s episode didn’t pass the quality control test, but we figured there’s plenty of other Denise and Rod content to check out if you have a DnR-sized hole that needs filling.Check out the links below:Taco Truck Confessions album | The Listening Party Podcast | The 110 Podcast | 15-Minute Eargasm | Mascot Diaries …
073: Taylor Tribute
Rod watched a 6-hour concert. Follow Denise: InstagramEmail the show: